Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Going Back For More?

The logic of much of the voting public, at least those responding to polls, escapes me. The Republicans (with assistance from the Democrats) blew up the US economy, in a big and ugly way. The Democrats (with resistance from the Republicans) have not managed to fix it. So now, according to various polls, people are going to vote for...Republicans?!?! This seems especially odd given that the Republicans are promising to run the economy the same way they did before.

This is like taking your car to the mechanic for a tune up, and he wraps it around a tree. So you take it to a second mechanic, but when he is having difficulty fixing it, or maybe is just taking too long, you take it back to the first mechanic. Who assures you he will treat it like he did before.

If you really thought the second mechanic could not fix it, wouldn't you take it to a third one, rather than back to the one who broke it in the first place? Maybe we should try that with elected officials as well.

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