Saturday, November 7, 2020

Trump Could Have Easily Won Re-election

I am feeling cautiously relieved at this point that Biden appears likely to win the presidency. But I am not feeling a large amount of relief, for a few reasons. First, the bird is not firmly in the hand yet - as I write this, the counting of ballots is not over.  Second, Trump will get to stay president for a bit longer. And third, what this post is about - Trump could have easily won re-election if he was even slightly less inept or had a small bit more self-control.

American did not clearly and strongly reject Trump's policies - more tax cuts for the rich and corporations, the xenophobic and wasteful border wall and immigration policies, more money for defense contractors, exploding the level of debt, threatening Social Security, encouraging white supremacists and anti-immigrant and anti-LGBQT hatred, trashing the environment for corporate profits, and the others that I am forgetting right now.

Look at the public opinion of Rudy Giuliani following his response to 9/11, or even the public opinion of Chris Christie following his response to Hurricane Sandy. Remember, this election was very close, and if Biden does in fact pull it out, it will be a near thing. To me, the examples of these past crises show that Trump could have easily won this election, and he could have done it 99% on style, with almost no change in policy or actions.

Here is how:

1) COVID-19 pandemic hits. Trump gives a speech, the gist of which is: "We understand that there is a new corona virus, COVID-19, that may pose a serious health threat. We have tasked our infectious disease experts at the CDC to analyze it and keep us informed."

2) There is the same delayed and haphazard response as was done, same China travel ban.

3) Trump gives a major speech from the White House. Trump shows up with a red MAGA face mask and a dark blue one with the Presidential seal. Melania and Ivanka have stylish designer masks that match their outfits.

4) Trump gives an inspiring we're-all-in-this together speech. He can cite to the size and diversity of the US to say that the way to respond to COVID-19 will be left up to each state, and directs everyone to cooperate with their state's public health experts, with the recommendation that they minimize disruptions to business. He encourages people to wear masks, and shows off his red MAGA mask and dark blue POTUS mask. He expresses confidence that America's phenomenal scientists, universities and pharmaceutical companies are working around the clock to bring us vaccines and treatments.

5) Trump declares an emergency, and has the federal government quickly procure and distribute massive numbers of masks to the hardest hit states.  He says he will do something similar with ventilators, but only really does some minor symbolic things.

6) He steps back and mostly shuts up. (Yeah, this is the hard part for him.) He lets Fauci and Birx make statements and hold press conferences, but not too often, and with control over their messaging. He stops vilifying and criticizing governors for what they do or what they say, especially re COVID-19. He expresses support for the ones he likes. He does not threaten any state's COVID-19 funding. He doesn't say anything about the press coverage of COVID-19 (his surrogates can, but his kids should not).

7) Every once in a while he gives an optimistic, upbeat Tweet or other communication about how much progress we are making towards beating COVID-19, and encouraging Americans to keep up their efforts.

8) In other areas - tariffs, TikTok, taxes, border wall, immigration, environment, etc. - he does not do anything substantively different than what he has done.

9) People feel good about Trump's "leadership" on COVID-19, and he wins re-election, beating Biden in a number of key swing states.

This is just one reason why Biden's narrow lead (and potential victory) is not all that reassuring to me. (There are other reasons, too.)  We are picking presidents more on in-the-moment feelings than we are on substantive policies. If Trump was just slightly more subtle and adept at playing those feelings, we would have had him as President for another four years.  And if someone like that is out there learning from Trump's playbook and watching his mistakes, we could easily have someone like that in the future. 

If I am wrong, please let me know.